Explore Mobile Pay
Our mobile pay app delivers secure, pay-from-the-driver’s-seat convenience and integrates Kickback® Points to reward loyal consumers.
Branded Fuel Card Programs
What could reducing credit card fees mean for your bottom line? We recognize that credit card costs remain at the top of your operating expense list. To alleviate some of the processing cost, help drive consumers to your site and build consumers’ loyalty, we’ve introduced the Phillips 66® – Conoco® – 76® Brand Personal, Commercial, Fleet and Gift Card programs.
Loyalty Programs
As competition increases, we understand the challenges you face to build customer loyalty. This is where the KickBack® Points Program can help. It rewards customers for stopping and shopping at Phillips 66®, Conoco® and 76® stations.

Payment Processing
If you’re worried about rising credit card processing costs, you’re not alone – credit card swipe fees represent the second-highest operating cost for convenience retailers.* Phillips 66 Payment Processing offers unbranded retailers an innovative solution to help reduce credit card processing costs and streamline payments.
Let’s Talk
We’re invested in the continued success of your business. Contact us today and find ways to help your site Power Ahead.
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